Sydney has also found her voice. She often shrieks and screams when she sees someone she likes (mostly her brother) and she says "ba ba, da da, ma ma, and mu-mu-mu" none of which actually have any significant meaning despite what her daddy thinks. He swears she is calling him when she says "da da," but I told him she used that phrase when she was beating her spoon on the high chair so I think it could mean "food" instead of "daddy!" She also has been known to say "da da" when she is eating a toy in the bathtub or crawling across the room to get something!
She has four top teeth all coming in at the same time right now. She has been dunked in the swimming pool a few times and you can tickle her and she will laugh really really hard. I can hardly believe how much time has already gone by since she was born in November. I want to cherish this year as I know so many "firsts" will occur. We are so totally blessed to have a "ba ba gur" as we like to call her... we even have a song for her, but only Brett and I are allowed to sing it!
Notice how big these 3-6 month pants are around her waist!
She now weights 13 and a half pounds!