Sunday, November 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Sydney Claire Allen

One year ago on November 5th, a dream came true.
The baby I had longed for finally grew-
So big in my tummy that she had to come see
The family she had waiting for her, all three.

Sydney Claire Allen weighed 7-15.
A calm and quiet baby unlike any I had seen.
She slept and ate well from the start
My baby doll had surely stolen my heart.

The year has flown by and I can hardly believe
All the things she has grown to achieve.
No hair on top, 6 teeth in her mouth
Not walking, but just about

Smiles are given freely to anyone she meets
A snuggle on my shoulder is how she greets
Music, clapping, giving kisses and hugs
These are some of the things my precious girl loves.

We have been everywhere together
Sporting events following brother
Church several times a week
When Sydney smiles, you can see a dimple on her cheek.

Our life together will be exciting each day
Sydney, may love and happiness find their way
Into your heart and life
This is what your mommy prays!