Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Note for Syd

Dearest Sydney,

As I watch you approach your half-year birthday, I see your changes and I am torn...

Between sheer excitement and thrill against sadness -
That you aren't the small tiny child who would sleep on my chest,
Knees pulled up for hours on end.

You are growing, my child.

On November 5th, when I first laid eyes on you,
I had no idea what kind of love affair would transpire.
You are smart and beautiful in every way.
A Baby Girl, a blessing I cherish...

Sydney Claire, Your Mother Loves You.

When I think about your future, I imagine all of the mistakes you will avoid-
All of the ones that I somehow did not.
I pray for and dream of the STRENGTH you will have to STAND UP to peer pressure
To be yourself no matter who you are around.

I know you will love our God with all of your heart, soul, mind and spirit.
I believe you will love your friends selflessly and protect and honor them as yourself.

You are one-of-a-kind, my dear.

Your Big Blue Eyes reflect a sense of wonder and pleasure at all things family...
I pray this never changes.

Your one-little-half-tooth smile makes everyone around you smile in return.
It always will.
A dimple below your right eye appears during intense joy and sadness alike... your trademark!

I love your long legs and tiny little waist.
You could be a runner someday.

Sydney, you already love to talk; I pray my ears are always hungry to listen.

My daughter, I am here for you.

You bless me with your tender touch and innocence.
When I look at your dainty hands, I think about moments we will share:


Lifting our hands in worship


Reaching out to those in need.

Sydney, you are going to change the world with those hands.

There's so much we still don't know-
Like what color hair you'll have {I think some will grow eventually}

Your personality and personal style
How you'll respond to pressure

And what kind of books you'll like to read.

Somehow, I know I will love your choices.

God knew you before you were formed in my womb...

He has plans for you, my love.

I pray that I never stand in the way of your fulfillment of those plans.
May I be a voice that teaches you to hear His Voice for yourself.
May my unconditional love when you make a mistake
Model Christ's love and acceptance of you.

God, may my ceiling be her floor.

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