Brett is 7 years old today. He is handsome and kind; he loves others and is very obedient. And, he's smart. Smarter than any kid who has ever lived. He got his smarts from his parents, but we were never THIS smart. Brett can put together 400 piece lego sets by following the instructions all by himself. He can do addition, subtraction, and even some multiplication. He knows how to ride a bike without training wheels. He is articulate and can argue like a Harvard Law graduate. Did I mention he's only seven?
Sydney, well... she's only four months old. She's smart too, however. Most babies can't do half the things she can do at her age. She sucks her thumb. She rolls from her back to her front. She rolls from her tummy to her back. She smiles and coos. She even knows how to follow me with her eyes as I walk across the room.
You don't believe me that my kids are this smart? Watch this video of Sydney kicking her legs and Brett reading and you'll see...
p.s. If you don't think the same things about your kids, shame on you!
My kid is smarter than yours.